Tennessee Board of Regents

2005-2010 Institutional Strategic Plan


Nashville State Technical Community College Mission



The mission of Nashville State Technical Community College is to provide comprehensive educational programs and partnerships, exemplary services, an accessible, progressive learning environment, and responsible leadership to improve the quality of life for the communities it serves.




Statement of Institutional Involvement


The current College mission statement and the process for its review were discussed in the Assessment and Planning Council during its October meeting.  The Council agreed that review of the mission statement would go through the same process as review of all college-wide policies.  The current mission statement was, therefore, presented to the October meeting of the Executive Committee.  The Faculty Senate, Administrative Council, Staff Assembly, and Student Government Association representatives were asked to discuss the statement with their constituencies and suggest any revisions. 


A final draft of the mission statement was presented to the Executive Committee and approved on Tuesday, November 3, 2004.   


The Executive Committee, which meets monthly, is chaired by the President and includes representatives from all employee groups and the Student Government Association.  The Committee is responsible for approving all campus policies.


The Assessment and Planning Council is a standing committee of the College.  The Council is responsible for providing leadership and oversight for key assessment and planning processes, including the College Strategic Plan.  The 15-member Council is chaired by the Assistant to the Vice President of Academic Affairs for Planning and Assessment.  It includes two representatives of the Administrative Council, two from staff Assembly, four selected by Faculty Senate, four faculty members selected by the VPAA, one member of the President’s staff, and a Student Government Association representative.  Strategic Planning is one of four subcommittees of the Council.

